
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Simple Things Sunday

The poor blog has been ignored the past couple weeks... I have been recovering from the holidays, from being back to work, and most of all, having the flu bug sweep through our home!  But in spite of all the recovering, I have a very sweet, simple moment in time I would love to share; our sweet little sis gaining just a bit more independence.  Yes, she is on the move!  I love my camera for the simple fact that I can capture this moment, her first time being able to crawl over to our back door, climb up, and peer into her soon to be stomping ground.  Thank you to Simple as That blog for inspiring me to capture and treasure these moments through the camera lens.

Linking Up!


  1. So sweet! Love seeing those cotton diapers on that little tushie too! :)

    1. Thank you and yes, we love our cloth diapers :)

  2. Can you imagine the feeling of joy when first you're able to crawl? And stand up? And look outside?!! Too
    bad we can't remember when it happened to us as little ones. It's got to be close to elation . . thanks for sharing Cassidy's big moments. Granny-Chick

    1. Yes, her world has just grown in a way it never will again, and she is loving every moment! Thanks for always stopping in to share our moments with us Granny-Chick! Hugs :)

  3. Ahhh...cutest little bum!! :) Thanks for linking up with the simple things this week Christy, adorable photos as always.

    1. Love your simple things Sunday, especially as I learn to use our camera! Thank you for the outlet to share with others :)
