
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A DIY Shabby Chic Scrappy Tutu {No Sew!!}

So I fell in love with this skirt from Lullaby Birds on Etsy... I blame Pinterest!! And when I decided I wanted to do a shabby chic country garden theme for little sis' first birthday... I knew I had to have one!  The problem: my hubby might shoot me if I spend $30 on a skirt for my little one AND it was just the wrong colors.  So, what was I to do but make my own!

Now, by all means, if you have tons of quilting scraps laying around, use those!  I didn't and as I mentioned before, I was after certain colors, so I made my trusty trip to JoAnns, found the first paisley print that I just fell in love with and found five other fabrics to compliment it..
I bought 1 ft. of each fabric, which was more than enough and spent less than $10.  And luckily, my girlfriend let me borrow her rottary cutter and cutting board, so this went super fast and easy!!

I measured from sis' waist to her knees and got 9".  I doubled that and added one inch for tying.
EX: Measure from waist to knee ___ X 2 + 1" = length of strips
Next I measured her waist... 18".  The way I was tying, I needed 2 strips for every one inch.
EX: Measure of waist ____ X 2 = the amount of strips needed.
We used 36 (19" X 2") strips of fabric for her tutu... she is one year old!  For older kiddos, I would probably make the strips wider along with adding the appropriate length and amount needed... possibly 3"strips?  This tutu hit just above her knees.
 You could easily use elastic for the waistband, but I chose ribbon.  I cut enough ribbon to go around her waist plus extra on each end for tying a pretty bow.  To begin adding the scraps, I used a chair and tied the ribbon to both legs of a chair to hold it tight.  I started in the middle, using a double square knot to tie the strips snugly on and worked my way out.  I had 6 strips of 6 different patterns... and because I am slightly OCD, I tied mine on in the same pattern every time.  NOT necessary at all... unless you are like me, lol!
 The entire tutu took me about 1 hour from start to finish.  I couldn't beleive how quick and easy and ADORABLE it really was!  A few pictures of the try on...

and in the cherry orchard...
and in front of the old white barn :)
Thanks for stopping in, and thanks again to Lullaby Birds for their great inspiration!

UPDATE:  See the birthday girl in action in her super cute outfit HERE!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

An Upcycled Garden: Toilet Paper Roll Planters

It is sprint which means... time to PLANT!  I love spring and I love gardening.  It is so fun to get something of value out of something of very little to no value.  The past few years we have been planting from seeds so we aren't spending money on buying plants, but we usually start them in the little mini green houses (just wait till you see what I found that makes a perfect upcycled green house!) and compostable containers that you can get from your local garden center.  This year I am on a mission to find things we can re-purpose... and the little compostable planting containers were the first to go!  In their place??  Toilet paper rolls!
We saved toilet paper rolls (and paper towel rolls too!) for about a month and just cut them in half (or in fives for the paper towel rolls).  We placed them so they fit snug in our little green house starter container then filled them with dirt, planted them with seeds, and kept then moist in a sunlit window.  Because they have no bottoms, we were careful not to bump them too much. 
After a few weeks they had sprouted and were ready to be transplanted.  You can see that some of the toilet paper rolls started to unravel a bit, but it did not seem to disturb the plants. Plus, I unwrapped before planting anyway!  However, you could most likely plant with the rolls still on and have no issue!
The most curious thing I noticed about doing it with the toilet paper rolls is that the roots grew along the bottom of the tray and did not ball up like when confined to a container.  You can see how long and nice they were and I am expecting these plants to do well now that they are planted! 

I have some other fun bits and pieces of upcycling that I am going to share for the garden... but I am curious... what have you upcycled to use in the gardens??

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIY Superhero Capes {Printable Templates Included!!}

Well big sis wanted a superhero birthday party for her 4th... so what else was there to do but to make superhero capes!!! {You can see her party here}

I searched on-line and found a few tid-bits here and there, but nothing that really seemed to help all that much, soooo, we basically started from scratch!  Lucky for you, if you ever need to make a superhero cape for your little angel, I saved everything I did right here!

The first main decision came down to time and money (doesn't it always!?).  I decided to go with a felt cape versus a shinny material because 1. it is super cheap and 2. it won't fray so you don't have to break out the sewing machine!  Once I decided that, I gathered the following materials...

Felt by the yard (2ft. cut length per every two capes needed)
A pack of assorted color felt sheets for the emblems
Spray Adhesive
Velcro squares or 1" Velcro to cut
Christy's Customs Superhero Cape Template
Christy's Customs Superhero Cape Shapes and Letters Templates

{The template above is designed to print out on normal 8 1/2 X 11 printer paper.  Download the template by clicking on the above link and saving each of the seven pieces.  When printing, treat the JPEG file as a picture.  Choose 8 1/2 X 11 paper size and choose BORDERLESS printing.  The borderless printing will preserve the correct proportions of the template and is usually only an option when printing pictures.  I personally would choose to print in draft to save ink.  Once the template is printed, you simply lay the pieces out and use tape to hold them together.  Cut along the dark line to get your cape template.  This cape size works well for 3-6 year old children}

Lay out your felt (most is sold doubled over- I left mine so each template cut out resulted in two capes) placing the template on top.  Use a washable marker to lightly trace the template.  Cut out.

Using the Shapes and Letters template above, print out the shape for a background and letter for the child's first name.  Cut out and use for templates on the assorted color felt choices.  Using spray adhesive, coat the back of the felt shape, place on cape, and felt letter, also placing on cape.

Now the Velcro to hold the cape on... oh how I wish I could tell you to spray the back of the Velcro and stick it on too... but you will need something a bit stronger than spay adhesive to hold on the Velcro... ours pulled off after the first hour or so.  A few stitches would be best to add on your little cape neck closers!

And wha-la!  Happy little superheros!

For age reference... big sis had just turned 4 in this picture, while cousin is 6 1/2.  The capes seemed to work well for both sizes!

And- KAPOW!  There you have it!  Super simple.  I did 8 of them in just a couple hours one evening and gave them as party favors.  I wish I had taken a picture of all of them, but in the rush of the party, I forgot- oh well! 

I'd love to hear if you use the templates... I'd love to know that someone else got use out of them too :-)  So please share if you do!